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Water Pollution

Water is one of the major elements of our environment. No life can survive without water. So water is also called life. But polluted water is very harmful to health. Water is polluted in many ways. One of them our farmers are mainly liable for water pollution.  Because they use huge chemical fertilizers and insecticides for killing insects and growing better crops. They get mixed with rain waters and as a result causes serious water pollution.

Mills and factories greatly causes water pollution. They pollute water by throwing toxic chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals. Open latrins cause acute water pollution. Water vehicles pollute water by throwing food waste, human waste and burnt oil into canals, rivers and seas.

Illiteracy is the root cause of this problem in our country. Our over population deepens this pollution too. Pollute water causes many water borne diseases which takes away a lot of lives every year.  

In order to stop this pollution the wide spread use of fertilizers and insecticides must be lessened, farmers should be educated, public awarness should be created. Mills and factories must stop throwing toxic chemicals and waste products into water. Population must be checked and illiteracy must be removed. Our decent life will not be possible unless we can stop water pollution.

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