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Our College Magazine

A college magazine is an annual or periodical publication of the students and the teachers fo a college. It is an important part of education. Almost every college publishes a magazine every year. Ours is an old and ideal college in the district. Every year our college publishes successful magazine. The title of our college magazine is "The shine of knowledge". 

A magazine committee is formed in a general meeting of the students and the teachers. The principal of our college is the chief patron of the magazine committee of our college magazine. A senior professor of our college becomes the adviser of the committee. 

Four members are selected  from the senior students of our college. The four members of the commettee assist them for pubishing a magazine. Both the students and the teachers write the necessary articles both in Bangla and English in our college magazine

Our college magazine contains short stories, short essays, poems, riddles, general knowledge etc. The magazine also contains the valuable speeches and messages of the principal and the teachers of our college. 

All the members of the commettee perform their respective duties honestly to publish a magazine in time. A magazine has a educative value. Both the teachers and the students get scope to show their creative power through the college magazine. The magazine inspires us to form the habit of reading, writing and buying magazines regularly.

The Importance of Female Education

Female education is the pre-condition of the development of a nation. Both men and women are the members of a society. So it is true that both men and women should receive proper education  in order to build up a happy society. 

Education is the back bone of a nation. It is campared to light. No development and progress is possible without proper and true decation. Without proper education a society or a nation is deaf, dump and blind. About half of the population of our country is female. Only education can make women conscious of their rights and duties. So female education is a must. 

A mother is the best teacher of her children . In all advanced coutries majority of school and college teachers are women. Generally they are more friendly, careful and laborious than men. In the meantime the government of Bangladesh has introduced stipend for femal students which encourages female students to get education. By getting proper education our  women can  learn well about child care, sanitation, the value of family planning and the rules of health. 

An  educated woman can also play an important role in improving national ecomnomy like a man.  All necessary and proper steps should be taken to encourage female education for the betterment of our country. Finally, Napoleon says, "Give me an educated mother; I shall give you an educated nation"

A Village Fair

A village fair is a fair where village products are displayd and sold at a cheap rate. A village fair is the most joyful and enoyable fair. Bangladesh is a land of villages. So, a village fair is very common to the people of Bangladesh. 

It usually sits on river sides or canals or in front of a temple on the first day or the last day of Bangla year. It also sits on the occasion of Durga Puja. The joyful fair usually lasts for a day or a week. 

Speceally the hand made fancy articles are displayed and sold here. The potters, weavers carpenters and blacksmiths display their products in the village fair for sale. Many kinds of cheap  and fancy goods such as toys, dolls, kites, combs, bangls, ribbons, ornaments, bamboo-made articles  and garments are sold in a village  fair too. 

Fruits and sweets are also sold here. Jatra, jarigan, doll dance and cock fight are held in a village fair. Cock-fight and doll  dance are the main attraction of the fair. Men, women and children of all  classes visit the village fair. The gambling party is also seen here. 

A village fair is a great source of amusement and joy. It eradicates the monotony of routine works and keeps the village people cheerful and playful. But no gambling party should be allowed in a village fair. I am also fond of visiting a village fair.

Our College Library

A library is a room or a building having/containing a large number of books on differrent branches of different poets, writers. A college library is a library belonging  to a college. A college library is an important part of education. A college can not run well without a library. So every college has a library. 

Ours is a big and old college in the Upazila. There is a rich library in our college. It is on the ground floor of our college building. It is south facing. So it is well airy and well lighted. It is nicely decorated. 

There are 5 thousand books on history, religion, culture,  sports and games, computer, science, agriculture and English grammar in our collge library. The books are well arranged in selves and almirahs. 

The librarian of the libarary is a very experienced and expert. He is very friendly, helpful, co-operative, dutiful and honest. He always helps us. There is a big reading room in the library. We can read books in the reading room during off periods. We can borrow books by showing library cards. No outsider is allowed here. 

It remains open from 1 am to 5 pm. We are proud of our college library. We always keep it neat and clean. In fine, it can said that a college library plays a vital role in making a good result.

The curse of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction means strong attraction for taking harmful drugs such as wine, opium, morphine and heroine etc. It is the most injurious habit of a man's life. It is a curse to human civilization. Today it has becaome the global problem too. 

It is an alarming news that many students in our society have already addicted to drug addiction. Bad association is one of the prime caauses of it. Unemplyment problem, restless politics and lack of family ties are liable for this dangerous habit. 

Some people take drugs to forget their past painful and sorrowful memories, some for amusement and sme as fashion. In order to collect money, the addicts commit various social crimes such as hijacking, ssmuggling, snatching,looting, killing etc. 

An addict always feels drowsy (sleepy) and suffers from severe headache. He totally loses his dignity in the society. He also loses the love and affection of his near and dear. He suffers from physical weakness, high blood presssure and many other fatal diseases. His kidneys and livers also get damaged seriously. 

This dangerous habit leads an addict to death. It is high time we started a strong campaign against drug addiction to save our young society. Ittiteracy and ignorance must be driven away from the society. Social awareness must be raised.  If we fail to stamp out this terrific habit, our all development plans will be fruitless.